

JythonMusic runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Download and Install

  1. Download the latest release – JEM 4.8 (Build 2, 13-Feb-2024, 265MB) – see what’s new.
  2. Unzip the JythonMusic folder. It contains the JEM editor (see below), sample programs, and the JythonMusic libraries. Keep all files inside this folder. Place the folder anywhere you want. You can make copies of it for larger projects.
  3. If not already installed, install Java version 8 (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Jython, upon which JythonMusic is built, runs on top of a Java virtual machine (JVM). Also, see issue with Java 9.

Running JythonMusic

There are several ways to run JythonMusic programs:

  • Use provided JEM editor (for beginners – easiest)

NOTE: Most advanced editors allow customization – by exploring the above instructions, you should be able to make your preferred editor run JythonMusic, as long as it provides a way to specify which run-time environment to use, when running files.


A new download page to simplify installation.